Monday, April 19, 2010

Moving on

Those last 6 years that I have been working at BEA now Oracle have been fantastic. I did had a great run there, in various positions both engineering and sales side.

It's time to recap a bit.

I have been a bit of:
- technical-crazy enough to discuss open source AOP gory details with then JBoss CTO on ServerSide, and to also compile a JRockit JVM on my own for our AOP-in-the-JVM prototype derived from our AspectWerkz work (2004-2006),
- lucky enough to evangelize emerging trends such as AOP, POJO and lightweight containers across the world back when Java(TM) was still a Sun trademark,
- unlucky yet professional enough to work with fantastic people who ended up being successful faster than me onto there I21/SpringSource/VMware journey
- and business-crazy enough to end up in the category of software sales, in fact getting our largest customers to adopt our products - from WLS to emerging SIP and SipServlet, real time Java, CEP containers, up to bare metal Java running straight onto hypervisors such as VMware (a number of those RIP or rescheduled as part of BEA now Oracle - as you can figure out) and last but not least data grids.

Along that path I made sure to revitalized my open source hat by giving time and knowledge to bootstrap a niche open source project to a sustainable pure-play open core CEP Java leader aka Esper & EsperTech. A fantastic geek+BizDev mix with great talented individuals all the way along. If you wonder, Esper / EsperTech is playing the open-core business model in a fairly interesting way.

I am now onto something next - and I already feel home like always been there - more on that next one soon.

1 comment:

Xavier said...

And this is just the beginning !
More to come. Thank you for your contribution over the years.
All the best